9th & 10th Graders
These are the Modules created for you!
Prerequisite Standard Modules
9th and 10th Grade - $300 per Module
The purpose of Prerequisite Modules is to lay a solid foundation for students who are first joining the Nebraska Agriculture Academy and are 9th or 10th graders (14 or 15 years of age). These three prerequisites, Introduction to Agriculture 1, 2, and 3, dive into the three-circle model within agriculture education; Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAEs), FFA, and Classroom instruction. Through these classes, students will have a complete understanding of the opportunities at their fingertips through Nebraska Agriculture Academy.
Introduction to Agriculture 1
| September 2 - October 4, 2024 |
Prerequisites: Must be in Grades 9 or 10
Description: The introductory course for the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Career Cluster provides a knowledge base in the major components of the industry. Learners will be exposed to a broad range of agriculture, food, and natural resources careers, cluster foundation knowledge and skills, and introduction to leadership development and the National FFA Organization (FFA). Classroom and laboratory activities are supplemented through supervised agricultural experiences, career exploration activities, and FFA leadership programs & activities. This specific module focuses on leadership development by achieving the student’s Greenhand Degree (ex. Reciting the FFA Creed) and recognizing various opportunities provided by the National FFA Organization.
Introduction to Agriculture 2
| October 7th - November 8, 2024 |
Prerequisites: Must be in Grades 9 or 10 and taken Introduction to Agriculture 1
Description: This module serves as an extension of Introduction to Agriculture 1. The introductory course for the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Career Cluster provides a knowledge base in the major components of the industry. Learners will be exposed to a broad range of agriculture, food, and natural resources careers, cluster foundation knowledge and skills, and introduction to leadership development and the National FFA Organization (FFA). Classroom and laboratory activities are supplemented through supervised agricultural experiences, career exploration activities, and FFA leadership programs & activities. This specific module focuses on Supervised Agricultural Experiences and navigating the Agriculture Experience Tracker software.
Introduction to Agriculture 3
| November 11 - December 21, 2024 |
(No School Thanksgiving Week)
Prerequisites: Must be in Grades 9 or 10 and taken the following courses: Introduction to Agriculture 1 and 2
Description: This module serves as an extension of Introduction to Agriculture 1 and 2. The introductory course for the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Career Cluster provides a knowledge base in the major components of the industry. Learners will be exposed to a broad range of agriculture, food, and natural resources careers, cluster foundation knowledge and skills, and introduction to leadership development and the National FFA Organization (FFA). Classroom and laboratory activities are supplemented through supervised agricultural experiences, career exploration activities, and FFA leadership programs & activities. This specific module focuses on the different pathways within agriculture, and allows students to find their favorite pathway in agriculture.
Regular standard MODULES
The purpose of the Regular Standard Modules is to allow students to explore their interests in various pathways in agriculture. The full pathways we offer for the 2024-2025 school year include Animal Systems and Plant Systems. More full pathways are in progress for coming years. Through these modules, students will have a focused curriculum in five week groups instead of the traditional eighteen week course. This allows students to perfect their craft in agriculture in sprints with breaks in between!
Standard Module Sets for September 2 - October 4, 2024
Plant Science 1 - NEW
Prerequisites: Introduction to Agriculture 1, 2, and 3
Description: This course examines the scientific concepts related to plant systems. Students will examine plant classification, taxonomy, anatomy, physiology, genetics, and asexual and sexual propagation.
Environmental and Natural Resources
Prerequisites: Introduction to Agriculture 1, 2, and 3
Description: This course provides opportunities for students to increase awareness of the close ties amongst living organisms as well as natural and environmental concerns with the interrelationships of living organisms and the world around us. Students are exposed to careers related to natural resources systems. Students also examine Nebraska’s natural resources and management techniques including range lands, soils, wildlife, aquatics and forestry.
Standard Module Sets for October 7 - November 8, 2024
Agriscience Fair
Prerequisites: Introduction to Agriculture 1, 2, and 3
Description: The purpose of the Agriscience Module is to build awareness of science through research of current and diverse agricultural issues and to cultivate career readiness skills through the interaction of students, educators, the public and the research community. Students will design their own agriscience project within an agricultural pathway they’re interested in. Students will develop and submit a written report as their final grade, so it’s recommended that students have an intermediate understanding of English writing principles.
Introduction to Power, Structural, and Technical - NEW
Prerequisites: Introduction to Agriculture 1, 2, and 3
Description: The purpose of this module is to explore the different areas in power, structural, and technical. This includes woodworking, welding, areas of construction, and mechanics. Students will build a project by the end, and it’s encouraged they have access to a mentor to help coach them through the project the student decides to build. Some past examples include building a fire pit, kitchen island, detailing a vehicle, leather working, welding horseshoe decor, and feeding pens with stalls for lambs.
Standard Module Sets for November 11 - December 21, 2024 (No School Thanksgiving Week)
Plant Science 2 - NEW
Prerequisites: Introduction to Agriculture 1, 2, and 3 and Plant Science 1
Description: This course is designed as an extension of the Plant Science 1 course by
expanding upon the scientific concepts and learning how to care for the plant once germinated or propagated. Students will develop an understanding of plant nutrition and growth and explore various production methods.
Introduction to Poultry - NEW
Prerequisites: Introduction to Agriculture 1, 2, and 3
Description: The Introduction to Poultry module focuses on basic scientific principles and processes that are involved in poultry industry history and importance, physiology, breeding, nutrition, and care in preparation for an animal systems career. Topics include poultry diseases, nutrition, industry issues, career opportunities and poultry evaluation.
Standard Module Sets for January 6 - February 7, 2025
Introduction to Large Animals
Prerequisites: Introduction to Agriculture 1, 2, and 3
Description: The Introduction to Large Animals Module focuses on the basic scientific principles and processes that are involved in large animal physiology, breeding, nutrition, and care in preparation for an animal systems career. Topics include animal diseases, introduction to animal science, animal nutrition, animal science issues, career opportunities and animal evaluation.
Standard Module Sets for February 10 - March 14, 2025
Equine Science
Prerequisites: Introduction to Agriculture 1, 2, and 3
Description: The Equine Science module introduces students to the scientific principles of breeding and husbandry of horses, including the production, care, and management of horses. Students will be introduced to classification of breeds of horses, as well as nutrition, reproduction, and disease prevention and management.
Agricultural Leadership and Career Readiness
Prerequisites: Introduction to Agriculture 1, 2, and 3
Description: The Agricultural Leadership and Career Readiness Module includes leadership in a community, leadership concepts/applications, characteristics of an effective leader, characteristics of an effective manager, and a related practicum demonstrating contribution to society.
Standard Module Sets for March 17 - April 19, 2025
Introduction to Small Animals
Prerequisites: Introduction to Agriculture 1, 2, and 3
Description: Introduction to Small Animal Management includes breeding, grooming, care and marketing of companion animals. Alongside, students will create a management plan with a companion animal of their choice. This curriculum will include exotic pet management as well.