Nebraska Agriculture academy’s
very own
ffa chapter
ABout the chapter
Are you a Homeschool Student? You can participate in FFA too! The Nebraska Agriculture Academy has its very own FFA Chapter!
We invite you to get enrolled in our online classroom education so you can compete with us at the Local, State and National Levels!
In order to be in FFA, a student must be enrolled in both mini-modules, one mega-module, OR a minimum of three standard modules.
02. Start an sae project!
We encourage all of our students to do an SAE Project or Supervised Agriculture Experience where students apply knowledge they've learned.
03. participate in ffa!
After completing the required courses and starting an SAE Projects students can participate in the Nebraska Agriculture Academy FFA Chapter!
Awards and Competitive Events:
The discovery degree is awarded to those who have participated in FFA throughout their 7th or 8th grade year. You are about to take the next step in an exciting journey which will provide you with experience, which will set a foundation for the success that will follow you throughout your life. I challenge you to grasp all the opportunities offered and wish you every success in that journey. Please join me in congratulating our Discovery Degree recipient.
The Greenhand degree is the first in a series of degrees available to you through FFA. This award is a symbol of your accomplishments and further growth in our organization and in your future careers. The pin worn by Greenhands is made of bronze. Because of its hardness and endurance, bronze has been used for ages by those who sought a better substitute for crude stone instruments. May those qualities of hardness and endurance carry you far in our organization.
Career development is a life-long process. Your activities in this organization will help you acquire the knowledge needed for your future. The FFA organization practices agricultural leadership, citizenship, and cooperation. If you develop your abilities, you may become a leader in the organization. Let me remind you that there are accomplishments still to be had. The Chapter FFA Degree and the Gold Charm of the State Degree await those who wear them. And for some, the golden key of the American Degree.
You have earned the highest FFA degree that a chapter can bestow on its members. The skills that you have developed in keeping records and gaining leadership will be an asset to you throughout your life. We all hope that you will continue your individual growth and development and use the skills you have learned to support yourself, your family, and worthy activities in your community. The pin symbolizing the chapter FFA degree is made of silver. Just as there are metals more precious than silver, there are more precious awards to be won in our organization. The gold charm of the state FFA degree and the gold key of the American FFA degree are soon to be had by those who work for them.
To achieve a State FFA degree a member must have received their Greenhand and Chapter degree, invested money and time into their SAE, and is an active member in their chapter and community. When students apply for this degree they are able to receive their certificate and pin on stage at the Nebraska State FFA Convention! The State FFA degree is the second highest degree an FFA member can earn throughout their FFA career, with the American Degree being the highest.
To qualify for this award, students must journal their chapter involvement through their Agricultural Experience Tracker, otherwise known as the AET. Chapter involvement includes attending chapter professional development opportunities, monthly chapter meetings, competing in contests that are hosted in North Central Nebraska, and taking part in leadership opportunities such as serving on a committee or volunteering with the chapter.
The events of Creed speaking where students memorize the FFA Creed, Junior Public Speaking, Natural Resources, and Cooperative Speaking required students to write, memorize, and deliver a speech based on agricultural related topics, Employment Skills where students create a resume, cover letter, and go through an extensive interview process, Ag Demo where students work together to showcase a “how to” ability, and Quiz Bowl where junior high FFA member’s knowledge of agriculture and FFA is put to the test.
CDE events offer FFA Members the opportunity to deve.lop and demonstrate their knowledge, creative and critical thinking, and leadership skills
The proficiency award program recognizes the top FFA members in 47 different areas of supervised agricultural experience programs. Like the FFA motto, this award program allows members to set goals, learn practical skills in the workplace, and reflect on their experiences. Through these experiences, students track their time and finances with the Agricultural Experience Tracker, otherwise known as the AET. The program rewards FFA members at the local, state and national levels for exceptional accomplishments and excellence in a Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program.
The People in Agriculture Pathways Poster Event is designed to develop inquiry and communication skills while also providing an understanding and awareness of careers in agriculture for seventh and eighth grade students. This even requires students to create a poster with a summary of people working in seven different agricultural pathways
The agriscience fair contest recognizes students who gain real-world, hands-on experiences in agricultural enterprises. Students use scientific principles and emerging technologies to solve complex problems related to agriculture, food, and natural resources.