What is an SAE?

A Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) is a service and/or work based opportunity that extends beyond the classroom. This will develop an individual student’s industry and career-based competencies. As supervisors, we personally visit the student to learn about their project. Below is a portfolio of past Student SAE projects!

Featured SAE Projects

  • Emma


    Emma cares for two horses for her project. One horse is young and halter broke. Her plan is to train him in the discipline of ranch riding. The other horse is used for 4H and open shows. With these two projects, Emma tracks her time spent choring the horses and the money invested to feed them and show them all in her Agriculture Experience Tracker (AET), a software designed to help students log their progress with their SAE projects over the course of their high school career.

  • Kinley


    Kinley owns a western influenced boutique. She attends various events such as stock shows, rodeos, craft fairs, and livestock sales. She has an infectious “can do” attitude, and people hardly believe she’s only an 8th grader when conversing with her! With this project, Kinley keeps track of her inventory for sale, cash sales, and cash expenses. Some items for sale include bags, purses, boho western clothing, and LOTS of turquoise!

  • Kayli


    Kayli is from Gordon, NE and has two projects. Her first project includes painting on all scales and in various forms. Kayli’s latest painting project was for her community church where she brought the children’s playroom to life. Her painting will be admired for gernations! Kayli’s second project includes breeding and showing English lop rabbits. With this project, she keeps track of expenses, income, and rabbits in her barn on the Agriculture Experience Tracker (AET).


We want to make it possible for students across Nebraska to participate in FFA. To make this possible we provide an extensive Course Catalog.  View our Course Catalog Today!